(April 04, 2019) The Pay-it-Forward Retirement Plan

What is the most important thing you have to reach retirement successfully? Belief in yourself. So, what if there was a system in place designed to encourage people to share positive beliefs and ideas about money and financial freedom? As Michael says, at Lifestyles Unlimited, that’s exactly what Del Walmsley created.

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(April 03, 2019) Free Your Money From 401(k)s, IRAs & Annuities

Traditional qualified retirement plans hold onto your money for life. You may draw down on them, but you don’t have free access to all of the money in your retirement account. Del Walmsley decided to take his money back and retire in 2.5 years at the age of 34 by investing in real estate. Michael Soulek explains the why and the how of shifting your thought process on saving for retirement. Free your money from 401(k)s, IRAs, and annuities in order to invest in real estate.

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(April 02, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Investing in Real Estate Becomes an Investment in Family” – Featuring LU Member, Bob

Bob started life with the rich experience helping his five siblings run the family amusement business. So, while other kids dreamt of the whimsical carnival adventure, Bob lived it! “Don’t let anybody control your destiny” his dad said remarking on the experience. So, when it came time to build a better financial plan for retirement, Del’s roadmap for investing in real estate rang true. Little did Bob know that this would be the rallying cry for his family to work together once again.

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(March 28, 2019) The Fastest Way to Make a Million Dollars Towards Your Retirement

According to the IRS, the average millionaire has seven streams of income. Also, most people who set out to save $1M in qualified retirement accounts fail. Sensing a theme here? Passive income is the ticket to lasting wealth and over 35,000 Lifestyles Unlimited members know the fastest, most effective way to it. So, throw out the idea of saving $1M to retire one day. Can you save $10k? If so, Michael Soulek has a new path for you to follow.

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(March 27, 2019) You Can’t Get Rich Slow

One of Del Walmsley’s top three rules of investing is “you can’t get rich slow.” This rule formed the backbone of his direct response to losing most of his net worth on Black Monday: using real estate to retire in 2.5 years. There he learned what the rich already knew, you cannot effectively retire with a protracted 20, 30 or 40 year time frame. Today, Michael Soulek gives an insightful look behind this rule of Del’s and into the mindset of the wealthy who Del sought to emulate.

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(March 26, 2019) Tell Del Tuesday “Why Rui Invested in Real Estate When No One Else Was” – Featuring LU Member, Rui

Rui started his investing as a Lifestyles Unlimited member in 2009 at the height of the Great Recession and it was the strength of Del’s message that caused him to join. To Rui, in a sea of people swearing off real estate at the time, Del was the one person arguing the opposite. So, he began with the modest goal to cover his rent with passive income and ended up retiring from corporate America.

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(March 23, 2019) Break Away from the Rat Race

The economy is poised to continue its growth through 2021 according to Real Estate Economist, Dr. Mark G. Dotzour, and yet, many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. If you’re thinking what Michael Soulek is thinking, now is the time to break away from the rat race by investing in real estate. We are 33 days away from the biggest in-person gathering of successful like-minded real estate investors in the country, The Wealth & Passive Income Expo. Plan to attend and learn how investing in real estate will change your lifestyle.

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(March 22, 2019) Copy Del Walmsley to Reach Financial Freedom

What if you could simplify your roadmap to retirement by copying it from someone else? What if the person you copied retired in 2.5 years with real estate? Today, we’ll put you on a path of incremental change to get you ready for single family and multifamily investing, a ticket to retirement that is a fraction of the cost your financial planner told you it was and that will retire you at many times the speed.

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(March 21, 2019) How You Can Make $60k per Year in Passive Income

Apart from showing you the path to $60k per year in passive income, almost covering the 2018 median U.S. income according to the Sentier Research Program, Michael Soulek shares why current retirement statistics suggest this may be a necessary step for your future. Pushing further, Michael contrasts this plan to traditional retirement models, starting a business, and other sources of wealth generation.

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(March 20, 2019) The Passive Income Safety Net

Think of a safety net that pays you when your job doesn’t. In fact, it never stops paying you. It lasts through recessions. It pays you in more ways than one. It can even give you back your time and it eventually funds itself. But, there’s one catch. You have to choose it.

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