(July 10, 2020) The Four Turnings

Today Del Walmsley shares a summary of The Four Turnings, a book exploring the historical cycles happening and repeating themselves around us in 22-year increments, every 90 years. This theory points out notable past patterns, where we are presently in the process today, what we can potentially expect to see in the years to come.

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(July 7, 2020) Tell Del Tuesday – New York Scientist Turns Real Estate Investor

Del Walmsley speaks with Claire Reeves who first heard about LU while living in New York; she was skeptical of scams but supportive of her husband’s desire to get involved. Based on his first 2 properties she knew this program worked but once she personally bought 6 Single Family homes and saw the data, everything changed and her story unfolds to become our VP of Education and Member Experience! As the Coronavirus closed doors around the Nation, she successfully led our team through the immediate transition to hosting all of our events online.

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(July 6, 2020) Del Walmsley Challenges Financial Advisors

Del Walmsley looks at why most people will act automatically based on what they are told to do, without thinking it through for themselves. We have become experts in those things that don’t work, so he challenges financial advisors to bring him investment portfolios to compare the actual numerical facts. With over 30 years of experience bringing Real People Real Results, Lifestyles Unlimited has an effective map helping over 50,000 members make massive money. We aren’t just telling you what to do, we are showing you how and why it makes sense.

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(July 2, 2020) Head in the Sand Investment Theory

Del Walmsley questions why people listen for so long to this message before taking any action. In this age of Covid19 where personal finances are more vulnerable than ever, only 5% of Americans have made any changes at all to their investment strategies. When looking at the median savings per age bracket statistics, stop rationalizing bad financial decisions and choose to change your outcome.

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(July 1, 2020) YOU Are the First Responder

Del Walmsley speaks today with combat veteran Tony Pignato, the Chief Experience Officer at Staccato Firearms, about the basics of handgun use. If you want to learn the fundamentals of marksmanship and how to engage targets effectively, try out the Staccato 2011® designed with an inclusive platform for personal protection and home defense.

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(June 30, 2020) Tell Del Tuesday – Finding Effective Investment Properties

Del Walmsley speaks with Kasey K. the Central TX Sales Manager of Lifestyles Realty about his intro to Lifestyles Unlimited as a member, the challenges he had to overcome in his personal investment journey, and now what the Realty team does to provide great service to other members on their road to Financial Freedom.

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(June 29, 2020) Choosing Positive Change in Troubling Times

Del Walmsley shares what he sees happening in the societal breakdown around us. Though we are living in tumultuous times, you can choose to leverage these circumstances and arrange your life into something more functional, positive, and productive. Start working towards your personal goals by building a secondary stream of income through real estate investing.

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(June 15, 2020) Mail Bag Monday: Del Answers Listeners’ Questions

Despite the short-term challenges from Covid-19, the apartment industry and multifamily properties show fundamental resilience and continue to support healthy growth. Del Walmsley responds to the specific situations of several listeners with advice for what they should do in this modern market. With the chaos around us, have the emotional intelligence to take care of yourself first, so you can be in a position to take care of someone else.

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(June 12, 2020) Unconventional Wisdom That Will Set You Free – Part 3 of 3

Having discussed the oxymoronic nature of our world and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Parts I & II of this series, Del Walmsley now concludes with the three levels leading to Financial Freedom. Most of you are stuck working for the man in a Dependent and ineffective “effort to reward” situation. A good number of you are Independently self-employed with the freedom to succeed or fail, which isn’t any easier but it’s a whole lot psychologically better. With Lifestyles, you can achieve Inter-dependency by replacing your earned income with passive cash flow. We’ve been doing it for 30 years and it’s easy, we can give you our map but it’s your choice to open it.

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(June 11, 2020) Unconventional Wisdom That Will Set You Free – Part 2 of 3

In this second of a three-part series, Del Walmsley dives deeper into his exploration of how the world is backward and oxymoronic, and the psychological reasons why people make decisions towards obtaining goals that seem rational and logical but are actually counterproductive. Successful people do more effective things and protecting the level you’re currently on is preventing you from climbing higher. To support this, he examines the 5 layers within Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and how as you continue gaining altitude towards the peak of Self Actualization, you will inevitably compromise lower needs to accomplish these higher needs.

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