(July 14, 2020) Tell Del Tuesday – Freedom to Live Your Best Lifestyle

Today Del Walmsley speaks with Sorrel W., a former Dave Ramsey graduate who climbed the corporate ladder for 35+ years into a VP position before realizing his “aggressive savings” retirement strategy had him on the path to working 60hr work weeks well into his 60s. He joined Lifestyles Unlimited in 2013 with a healthy dose of skepticism and retired 3 years later!! He now has 8 houses and 4 passive Multifamily investments and is one of our Single Family Mentors, helping retire America one person at a time!

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(July 13, 2020) Smarter Not Harder

“For most people, the only way to obtain financial security is to save and invest over a long period of time.”-SEC. Our society is designed to keep you in the workforce for 30, 40, 50+ years, putting your money into turtle speed investing vehicles. Today Al Gordon digs into the data to see exactly how much money those programs can feasibly make you with generous returns, and compares this to the increased speed and returns of real estate investing.

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(July 13, 2020) Why You Can’t Get Rich Slow

Today Del Walmsley answers an email asking why he teaches that you can’t get rich slow. Creating an income stream to support you for the rest of your life is a whole different way of seeing the world, but once you adjust your mindset and get started, it moves quickly. Whether you are a high or lowly compensated individual, the message and map still apply. You CAN retire in the next 5 years, you just have to follow this path.

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(July 12, 2020) Six Starter Steps to Financial Freedom

Are you living a well-balanced life, spending time with your family and pursuing your personal passions? If your time is tied to your job and your boss owns your days, Mike Harrison shares these 6 steps to start you on the road to financial freedom, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most.

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(July 12, 2020) Optimizing Cash Flow

The riches of real estate come from the ability to make money in multiple ways. Today Andy Webb talks about our 3 Rules for investing, focusing on #2 Must Cash Flow. He introduces industry acronyms and verbiage to know related to optimizing incoming revenues and mitigating outgoing expenses.

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(July 10, 2020) The 3 Rules to Retire With Real Estate

Al Gordon followed an investing strategy for 10 years that left him financially devastated in 2008. Lifestyles Unlimited members were in a position to take advantage of that marketplace and are now thriving through this economic downturn. Following these 3 Rules guarantees great results and will get you on the roadmap to successfully retire in the next 5 years.

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(July 10, 2020) The Four Turnings

Today Del Walmsley shares a summary of The Four Turnings, a book exploring the historical cycles happening and repeating themselves around us in 22-year increments, every 90 years. This theory points out notable past patterns, where we are presently in the process today, what we can potentially expect to see in the years to come.

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(July 9, 2020) Realistic Retirement Expectations

Society teaches that retirement means reaching a certain age and having enough money saved to support you for X number of remaining years. Many people are already forced into early retirement because of things outside their control, and 9 out of 10 Americans retire in poverty. Al Gordon highlights how damaging recent events will be for businesses and individual financial stability, urging you to hear the alternative so you can make an informed decision to pursue the most effective retirement plan.

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(July 8, 2020) How to Control your Retirement Destination

Covid19 has caused all of us to lose a certain degree of control in our daily lives, but we CAN control how we react to the environment and what we do in response to the circumstances. Al Gordon helped a friend and fellow Lifestyles Unlimited member walk a property to evaluate if the numbers made sense for adding this asset to his portfolio. Eliminate the risk of uncertainty and take control over your fate by getting educated on cash-flowing assets before it’s too late.

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(July 7, 2020) The Science of Real Estate Investing

Achieving her lifelong dream of becoming a scientist in New York, Claire R. was skeptical when her husband Lee wanted to get involved with a real estate group in Houston, TX. She shares with Al Gordon how her mindset gradually changed as she saw the successful results from Lee’s first 2 properties, and ended up buying 6 Single Family homes herself with Cash Flows ranging from $300-$800. Wholeheartedly believing in this roadmap to retirement, she applied her unique skillsets to enhance our programs as the VP of Education and Member Experience!

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